Saturday, September 20, 2008

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

This was quoted from the American Chronicle.

"But first, just what is it about the green tea that makes experts and health buffs so excited? Well, there´s the concentrated amount of antioxidants. Specifically, green tea consists of 30-40% flavonoids, of which the type called catechins is most abundant. A good percentage of these catechins are epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which is a lot more potent than other antioxidants, including the more widely familiar vitamins C and E. All teas contain EGCG, but green tea has more than black or oolong tea.Antioxidants are our best defense against aging, from our external appearance to the more serious health risks that we face as we grow older. Even younger adults are not safe and can reap the benefits of drinking green tea in terms of fighting premature aging and reducing the risks of chronic illnesses......"

Sounds good to me, to read more go here

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